A individual who is fit is capable of living life to its fullest. Physical and mental fitness play a very important role in your life and people who are both, physically and mentally fit are less prone to medical conditions as well.
Try a few simple steps to improve you workout and you just may be surprised at our easy these may be!
KEEP MOVING When you’re taking breaks in between your exercise class in order to keep your heart rate up keep moving. Repeat the moves you’ve learnt or walk/jog on the spot to maintain the continuity in your workout.
TIME YOURSELF When you’re doing any form of exercise, try to time your kilometres, laps or reps each day. This way when you see improvements it will push you to achieve more in the same timeframe.
USE A KICKBOARD Swim a few laps holding a board and focus on your legs and gluteal muscles. This will help to build your legs and lift your bottom.
RIVAL YOUR WORKOUT BUDDY Train with a friend to push one another to achieve your best possible times. This way you are not just competing against your own PBs but theirs also!
INCREASE YOUR WEIGHTS Challenge yourself and improve your strength by increasing your weights. Remember, you should be challenging yourself to make the most of each workout.
ADD NEW EQUIPMENT TO YOUR ROUTINE It doesn’t have to be an exercise bike or brand new machine– a medicine ball or 1kg weights can boost the intensity of your workout.
ADD SOME INCLINE Find a few hills or stairs near work or home to add additional intensity to your workout. Add an incline bench to your weight training or put one foot on a step whilst doing your squat training or lungs.
TAKE LONGER STRIDES Take longer strides on your walks or runs. This will increase the tempo of your workout as well as tone your gluteus, hamstrings and calves.
Stay motivated with your weight loss plan and hopefully these few steps will push your workout routine that next step further.
Disclaimer: The above article is merely a guide and is in no way a recommendation or a treatment protocol for any health conditions or diseases. You should always consult with a qualified health care provider before changing your supplement, training or nutritional strategy. Supplementation should not be attempted by pregnant or breastfeeding women, anyone on prescription medication or children under the age of 15 unless advised by your qualified health care provider.