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Now you can transform your body from fat and flabby to fit and lean with the power of BODY EFFECTS by Power Performance Products. Body Effects was one of the very-first-ever powdered weight-loss supplements on the market to combine the fat-blasting effectiveness of proven fat burners with energy to drive you through your busy day all while effectively suppressing that nagging appetite and elevating your mood so you feel good all day long as you burn your way to that perfect sculpted body.
After many years, Body Effect is still the best because of our unique combination of the finest ingredients available anywhere, all expertly formulated into a powerhouse of synergy that helps you fight the fat on all levels.
Bitter Orange, Caffeine and Green Tea Extract are combined with the powerful fatty-acid CLA and an energy-driving complex to rev up your body’s metabolic fat-melting furnace, delivering non-stop non-jittery energy all day to keep you going strong.
On top of that, powerful ingredients suppresses your appetite enough to help you say no to the cravings and extra eating that put all of the fat there in the first place.
BODY EFFECTS delivers a full 8 grams of soluble dietary fibre: that’s 32% of your daily recommended amount needed to help naturally cleanse your system while losing weight.
Power Performance precise and perfected combination of key ingredients like ultra-important B Vitamins means that BODY EFFECTS delivers everything that other products only say they will. You’ll have all of the energy you need to hit the gym or power through your busy day, all while knowing that you are finally on your way to looking, feeling and being the best YOU ever!